tisdag 17 mars 2009

4th Dimension of Ascension and the Reflection of God

4th Dimension of Ascension and the Reflection of God - where is the Delusion?

söndag 15 mars 2009


Don't Panic! Reinhardt predicts the next stage in Collapse!

WAR ON IRAN ?? as predicted by desteni 18 Sep 07 Hi, this is the Universal Structural Resonance with the World News Report. Okay, we are communicating about the war in Iran. Is it going to happen or is it not going to happen? Well, obviously it has to happen. Why? Because people make a shitload of money

lördag 7 mars 2009

History of Myself with Desteni

These videos are interviews with me about my experiences in the Dimensions. Some videos are also giving perspectives on this most unexpected event that changed my life forever. Sunette Spies.

Selection with important insights and support from Desteni